Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Halloween is finally approaching; the
time for scaring kids and believing in the impossible. Personally I don’t really care for the scaring all that much because I am the one who gets scared. I hate Halloween because
people try to scare you. I know that is the whole point of Halloween, but I am
deathly afraid. When I go to Lagoon’s Frightmares I have my family be my body
guards against all of the spookables trying to scare me. My dad says I need to
face my fear and realize it is fellow teenagers’ trying to scare me. I know
they are kids enjoying scaring people but I can’t handle it. I think it is my fight or flight reflex. I
guess secretly I am a flight type person. Well any way Happy Halloween people.


When I was younger I didn't believe people when they said life is too short. As I grow older I see how right those people were. I am already a sophomore in High School and in two years I will be leaving the nest. I say I am ready for it, but I am absolutely terrified. I know what I want to do after High School but I am not prepared for life to come so quickly. In Elementary school I couldn't wait to be older. My mother always said, "Don't wish for life to come, enjoy it while it lasts." I just dismissed her comments and moved on. Once I reached Jr. High I started to laugh at the possible things life would have for me. I wanted to be older so bad, move out and live my enjoyable fantasies. Now I realize how quickly real life is approaching and I am deathly afraid I might not be ready. My best friend and I are already making college plans. What if colleges won't accept me? What if life throws me out of the dumpster? I know I can't live on what ifs but I am truly afraid of growing up. I never thought I would ever say that. I am always planning things but when it comes to life.... I don't know if I will survive. Sure you are reading this and say, "Oh don't worry life is not that hard." I know otherwise. My family is having lots of fiance problems. My parents can't even pay the bills because of their over draft. Not only my family is this way but the whole world is suffering. I know the President is doing his best but I don't my life getting any better. You are probably sick of my rants and worries but what do you expect out of me? Wonderful glorious knowledge that will inspire you to live your life? By now you can tell this whole thing is a rant. What are blogs for other to rant about your dreams and wishes? The one thing I can give you advice is Don't wish for your life to speed by. Take time to smell the flowers before it is too late.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Wake up, eat, go to school, go home, eat, sleep, repeat.
Don't you hate repeating schedules? The whole week nothing amazing happens to you. It is like you are trapped in an unending circle. Following the same pattern over an over until you get dizzy. Even if you are sick of your circle you can do anything until you get a chance to change your circle. When the circle is changed you become sick of it until you realize the change becomes a bigger circle. You are moving from one smaller circle to a bigger one. Everything in the world is a unending circle of changes.
Elton John says, "It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through
faith and love, 'till we find our place, on the path unwinding."
Which means even though life is an unending circle. You can escape the circle for a little bit by choosing different paths. Those paths make the circle a little bearable.
If you are like me and get sick of the unending repeating life. Look towards the future. Because if you choose the right paths your circle will start turning into a star. Then you will wish you had a repeating life.